With one in six couples affected by infertility, UK charity Fertility Network “encourages people to share their experiences, thereby raising awareness, breaking taboos and shattering myths about being unable to have a baby.”
FormPlayStudio: “This short film is part of Fertility Network UK’s ongoing campaign, #TalkFertility. It explores one couple’s struggle as they embark on IVF, facing an unknown future.”
Client: Fertility Network UK
Directed, Designed & Produced by FormPlayStudio
Animation: Russ Etheridge, Mark Davis
Design: Catharine Pitt, Mark Davis
Music and Sound Design: Oliver Davis, WeWriteMusic Ltd
Narration: Natalie Silverman, Natchatproductions.com AKA @Fertilitypoddy
Special Thanks to Katie Eaves, Senior Midwife @EavesKatie1