Paris animation studio Parallel Studio teams with UK illustrator Jonathan Burton to bring the details of his intricate “Tea For Two” Hermès scarf to life.
Jonathan Burton: “[The scarf features] an eccentric couple have created a huge complex machine to achieve the simplest of tasks, that of serving tea with a splash of milk.
“I always loved the illustrations of W. Heath Robinson and following the tiny details of his contraptions where the chain reactions perform everyday tasks in an overly complicated way. I also spent way too much time watching Rube Goldberg-inspired machines on youtube. I advise you to put the kettle on and do the same.”
Client: Hermès
Production: Parallel Studio
Producer: Antonia Poux
Illustrator: Jonathan Burton
AD: Hugo Leick
2D animator: Romane Tisseau
Animation clean-up: Pauline Guerrier / Angsane Sallaud
Motion design: Studio Snels
Motion designer: Daan Snels
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