Director/photographer/artist Em Cole at 1stAveMachine in the UK turns a sharp script from agency Creature London into a gently pointed message about the vital role trees play in the fight against climate change.
Narrated by English actor Tom Hollander and produced for UK conservation charity The Woodland Trust, the film balances doomsday scenarios with a multi-media mix of unexpected and ironic lighthearted imagery.
The script:
Question. Do you like cute, fluffy animals?
Do you enjoy a romantic stroll?
Do you like your friends?
Love your family?
Having a home?
How about living?
Then how do we help protect it all?
Wishful thinking?
No. Trees.
They’re one of our best defences against the climate crisis.
Join the Woodland Trust’s mission to plant more and help protect us all.
Client: The Woodland Trust
Agency: Creature London
Production: 1stAveMachine
Director: Em Cole
Narrator: Tom Hollander
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