Channel: Stephen Price, Author at Motion design - STASH
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The Youth and Colossal Animate the Feeling of Havaianas


The Brazilian team of prodco The Youth and animation studio Colossal (who were both behind this Doritos insanity) return with a wave of character chaos in this film for Havaianas and their ubiquitous flip-flop sandals.

From the team at The Youth: “There are few things in the world that can translate so many meanings without a word. Havaianas sandals are on this short list for sure. Trying to translate everything that is not said about the brand/product is the challenge that brought all these images, textures, and movements out of our heads.

“Each character in the film carries inside it a whole universe of references. They are a way to humanize music, art movements, famous personalities, and all the elements around the term brasilidade. We tried to create a group of personas with the attitude, humor, and situations that any Brazillian can identify with.

“The mix of languages, different textures, the shapes that are constantly changing, adapting – everything comes from the challenge to translate a feeling that is not in the dictionary.

“We wanted people who watch the film to feel the product somehow. Make it tangible. We couldn’t limit ourselves to just one illustration style, so we embraced the metamorphosis that happens when putting so many feelings into a piece of work.”
The Youth and Colossal Animate Havaianas | STASH MAGAZINE

The Youth and Colossal Animate Havaianas | STASH MAGAZINE

The Youth and Colossal Animate Havaianas | STASH MAGAZINE

The Youth and Colossal Animate Havaianas | STASH MAGAZINE

The Youth and Colossal Animate Havaianas | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Havaianas

Agency: AlmapBBDO
CCO: Pernil
Creative Directors: Antonia Zobaran, Fernando Duarte and Henrique Del Lama
Creation: Carlos Yanke, Michele Gorodski, Andre Paulo Arteze, Sara de Souza, Vitor Chagas, Marcos Lee, Gustavo Tasselli, Francis França, Bruno Bizuti, Victor Yves, Hiroito Takashi and Vinicius Biss
Audiovisual Production: Diego Villas Bôas, Tatiana Angelim Martins and Vera Jacinto

Production: The Youth
Director: Maldita
Producer: Daniel Maia
Creative Direction: João Machado
Executive Producer: Carol Cherobim and João Machado
Attendance: Carol Cherobim and Camila Pires

Post/VFX: Colossal
Post-production supervision: Diogo Gameiro
Editing: Maldita
Conform: André Albuquerque and Victor Balestrin
Motion: Adelir Boeira and Janaína Veiga
3D: Vinícius Lavor, Leandro Beltran, Everton Schneider, Lucas Pereira, Henrique Miranda, Bruno Cornelsen, Daniel Meurer and Sacha Carletti
Finisher: Luciana Lima
Art Direction: Rodolfo Garcia
Lead composition: Adelir Boeira
Composition: Emerson Cordeiro Junior, Gabriel Rocha and Marcos Rigobello
Animation Coordination: Lu Krasa and Renata Peterlini
Clean Up Supervisor: Thallyson Mikael
Production Assistant: Gabriela Alves
Creative Assistant: Bianca Leal
Storyboard: Gustavo Santos
Concept art: Fernando Molina
Lead illustration: Fernando Molina, Diogo Saraiva
Illustration: Studio Lasca, Eduardo Rosa, Lucas Sales, Pevê Azevedo, Marília Mafé and Geff Silva.
Animation: André Ruivo, Geovani Angelo, Natália Faria, Guma Nutinski, Bruno Brasil, Rafael Pah, Robb Reis, Pedro Solano, Murilo Prudêncio, Felipe Emerson, Thalyne Chrystyna, Arthemis Iannuzzi, Robson Vilalba, Pedro Peluso, Jaison Roberto, Deco Daviola, Thomás Lóes, Diones Ignacio and Higor Fernandes.
Animation assistance: Thallyson Mikael, Mateuz Fernandes, Gui Klein, Brenda Maryan, Moacyr Neto, Diones Ignacio, Rosinaldo Lages, Thalyne Chrystyna, Bruno Martin, Sabrina Melo, Pedro Solano and Willian Lieder.

Sound: Cabaret
Music: Guile Oliveira and Letícia Medeiros
Composer: André Henrique
Mixer: Gab Scatolin
Submission: Letícia Medeiros
Assistance: Ingrid Lopes, Flávia Caparelli and Bárbara Russiano
Coordination: Verusca Garcia, Chandra Lima, Débora Mello and Carol Oliveira
Voice over Portuguese/English: Maria Eduarda Manga
Spanish Voiceover: Maria Carolina Lapolli ME

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