After resonating deeply with festival audiences, Spiegeling, the animated short film by Dutch director Sanna de Vries brings its timely message about our obsession with self-image to the online universe where the problem is perhaps most virulent.
Sanna de Vries: “Spiegeling (Reflection) is a short film full of turbulent emotions, relating to self-image and insecurity.
“It shows the thought spiral of self-loathing that we all get lost in sometimes when we look in the mirror and absolutely despise what we see. The intensity of this feeling is captured through hand-drawn animation, with ink and gouache.”
Director: Sanna de Vries
Producer: Tünde Vollenbroek at Studio Pupil
Creative consultants: Bouwine Pool, Joanna Quinn
Creative producers: Tünde Vollenbroek, Dario van Vree
Script/storyboard: Sanna de Vries
Backgrounds: Iris van Hassel, Sanna de Vries
Colorboard: Janneke Ipenburg
Animator: Sanna de Vries, Damiët Anijs
Coloring: Ming Stotijn
Editor: Diede van Vree, Dario van Vree
Music: Nik Phelps
Sound design: Maria Kramer
Sound studio: Posta
Voice acting: Susanne Edam
Festival distribution: Ursula van den Heuvel
Sales: Sydney Neter
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