In their third film produced for TED-Ed and the World Economic Forum, director/illustrator Christoph Sarow and Portugal-based animation studio AIM Creative reveal the perils and pleasures faced by freelancers in today’s economy.
Tiago Ribeiro, producer at AIM Creative: “In this episode, we’ve guided the audience on a journey to explore the benefits and drawbacks of the gig economy and find out the key factors of becoming a successful freelancer.
“This topic interested us, as we have all dealt with these issues along the way in our careers.
“A 2016 survey of freelancers in six countries found that those who freelance by choice (70% of respondents) were happier than people in traditional jobs, specifically when it came to things like independence and flexibility in terms of where and when they work.”
Client: TED-Ed, World Economic Forum
Production: AIM Creative Studios
Director: Christoph Sarow
Producer: Tiago Ribeiro, Marta dos Santos
Illustrator: Christoph Sarow
Animator: Christoph Sarow, André Cunha, Patrícia Guimarães, Rúben Dantas
Music/Sound Design: André Aires
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