If you need a break from the marketing and commerce-driven motion industry, this ambient art film by Brooklyn sculptor and digital artist Dev Harlan may be just the visual oasis you’re looking for.
Dev Harlan: “In the digital short film Five Body Problems #2, I use photogrammetry and 3D animation to explore themes of landscape, technology, and anthropogenic change.
“The digital landscapes were recorded while exploring a derelict mining site in the Mojave desert. The animation references my activity at the site, which included producing a large relief mold of an exposed rock wall.
“The process, artifacts, and technology used while at work at this site are intermingled within the 3D animation as they are mingled subconsciously in my memory.”
“Susan Sontag wrote that a photograph ‘is also a trace, something directly stenciled off the real, like a footprint or a death mask.’ In this way, traces of the real are evident in 3D scans of objects and landscapes which I encounter. I make photogrammetry to share those traces and to trace my path through the landscape.”
Director/animator: Dev Harlan
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