Director/animators Mariusz Becker and Philip Lück at WOUQ in Germany: “Tylko approached us to help them out with their new social media campaign, focusing on their custom and perfect fitting furniture made just for your personal space.
“Tylko didn’t want to highlight one single piece only, but rather the full space in which their furniture plays a big role in making it yours.”
“Within a very tight production timeframe, we had to streamline as much of our work as possible. So R&D was mainly focused on making production as effective as possible, rather than playing around.
“Yet we still managed to build some lovely setups, especially some rigs for easier morphing of each furniture piece, as well as some early explorations on each space on it’s own.”
Client: Tylko
CD: Kamila Biskup
Producer: Jagoda Jędrzejewska
Production: WOUQ
Director/animator: Mariusz Becker, Philip Lück
Music/Sound Design: The Soundery
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