CDs Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque at Coat of Arms: “RockFlow aims to help a younger generation break into the world of investing.
“A rockstar unicorn and a badass ‘corn-i-car’ take you through funky space scenes in retro arcade fashion. What part is your favorite? We’re quite fond of the floating rave bunny.”
Client: Rockflow
Production: Coat of Arms
CD: Clara Lehmann, Jonathan Lacocque
Writer: Clara Lehmann, Rockflow
Editor: Jonathan Lacocque
Associate Producer: Grace Lawson
Designer/Illustrator: Lillian Darmono, Peiqing Lu, Vrinda Zaveri
Animator: Agris Čaurs, Federico Bressan, Friedrich Detering, Jeanette Nørgaard, Michelle Ku, Peiqing Lu, Ryan Butterworth
Composer: Chris Bartels @ Anthem Falls Music
Sound Design/Mix: Jennifer Pague
VO: Bryan Sheard
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