Landia directing duo 1985 and Papamusic in Buenos Aires take finger puppets to the next level in this singing and dancing tribute to the benefits of getting probed for prostate cancer.
From Grey Argentina: “Typically, health promotion campaigns are designed to elicit fear, yet the use of fear has often proven ineffective in achieving the desired behavior change. So, with this campaign, LALCEC chose a radically different approach.
“With this video, we want to demystify the fears of the examination and tell men over 50 that visiting the urologist once a year can save their lives”
Client: LALCEC (Argentine League for the Fight Against Cancer)
Agency: Grey Argentina
President/CCO Grey Latam: Diego Medvedocky
Chief Creative Officer: Hernán Kritzer, Alejandro Devoto
ECD: Gonzalo “Montaña” Fernández, Juan Ure
Head of Art: Diego Urbano
Creative Collaboration: Emilio Yacón, Gustavo Gitmanabitch
Head of Production: Pablo Molina
Producer: Maximiliano Ibarra
Production: Landia
Director: 1985
EP: Adrian D´amario, Diego Dutil
Producer: Melina Nicocia
Cinematographer: Manu Bullrich
Art Director: Roco Corbould
Set Design: Estudio Los Chinos
Puppet Production: Paula Bianco
Costumes: Leti Chappa
Postproduction Coordinator: Camila Garrido
Color: Ale Lascano
Sound Postproduction: Portaestudio
Music: Papamusic
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