In a unique collaboration, Barcelona design and animation studio Niceshit creates a manic brand film for their friends at Basque brewery Gross, who in turn released a limited-edition Niceshit IPA called Blue Dog.
Niceshit CD Guido Lambertini: “Inspired by Gross Brewing’s independent, punky-rebel essence we wrote this rollercoaster ride of a story, about a police dog in the endless chase for one last drop of this juicy, refreshing, hazy IPA.
“The first (and beautiful) challenge was to start the project with a blank page since there was no brief and the fantastic people at Gross put their blind trust in our creative process.
“Another challenge that we welcomed was to co-direct this film with Leo Campasso, an animation director from outside of our core team but a very close friend at the same time.
“Having so much freedom also inspired us to search for a very fresh and new style. It was very refreshing to approach a project with no brief and no mood board references.
“Each and every frame was treated with the love and detail of editorial illustration, mixing hard sharpie-like strokes with a bunch of different textured brushes and noise textures.”
Client: Gross Brewery
Production: Niceshit
Director: Niceshit, Leo Campasso
Creative Directors: Carmen Angelillo, Guido Lambertini, Rodier Kidmann, Leo Campasso
Executive Producer: Agusta Timotea
Writer: Leo Campasso
Art Director: Rodier Kidmann, Carmen Angelillo, Bianca Sangalli Moretti
Animation Director: Leo Campasso, Guido Lambertini
Designer/Illustrator: Rodier Kidmann, Bianca Sangalli Moretti
Cel Animator/Clean Up: Leo Campasso, Ezequiel Cruz, Bianca Sangalli Moretti, Ana Freitas
Edit/Compositing: Guido Lambertini, Ana Freitas, Carmen Angelillo
3D Animator: Guido Lambertini, Leo Campasso
3D Render: Carolina Carballo
Music/sound Design: Facundo Capece, Lola Ritcher
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