Director Raj Davsi and the CG masters at FutureDeluxe mark the launch of Vietnamese sneaker brand Bitis Hunter’s latest release – a collaboration with rapper/renaissance man Viet Max – in this sultry mix of dance and digital.
Raj Davsi in London: “The creative challenge we had was to depict the rawness of Vietnam coupled with the blooming of their culture through an intricate dance performance combined with CG elements that represent the sneakers.
“We were able to craft a powerful narrative due to an excellent starting point, a poem supplied by the client. We used this as our building block, breaking the poem into scenes allowing us to plan and film a progressive dance performance with a fantastic team.
“The main technical challenges came when faced with combining our live-action footage with our CG elements. We wanted the CG to feel as if it was shot in-camera.
“To achieve this, we created a lidar scan of the set, which allowed us to import it into 3D, making it easier to develop realistic lighting. This, in combination with simulated scenes, made for a seamless edit.”
Client: Bitis Hunter
Agency: Dentsu Redder
Production: FutureDeluxe
Director: Raj Davsi
DOP: Kai Blamey
Live Action Producer: Erinn Fitzgerald
Audio: Kambiz Aghdam
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