Inspired by a dream, director/animator Cassie Shao mixes animation and live-action with paper cut-outs and 3D elements to conjure this whimsical and disorienting musical adventure for Los Angeles duo Maggie Dave.
Cassie Shao in LA: “The video is mixed-media combining animation with live-action footage, paper cut-outs, and 3D elements. The character wakes up to find his phone and his overhead fan is being powered by water, but water in nature, such as the snow, the river, and the ocean is replaced by lightbulbs.
“I spoke to Maggie Dave about the concept of the song being missing the ‘old you’ as well as ‘the grief of losing touch with a loved one’. I came up with an idea that is inspired by one of my dreams, where the world you thought you knew is changing into something odd and twisted.
“The video is a slow revelation of a world that is unfamiliar, different mediums are used for this feeling of progression, from where the mountain is a paper cut-out instead of a real mountain to the ocean full of 3D light bulbs.”
Artist: Maggie Dave (Sean David Christensen, Mark Christopher)
Director/animator: Cassie Shao
Producer: Sean David Christensen
Live-action landscape: Gary Hankins
Additional Live-action: Cassie Shao, Dolan Chorng
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