Foundation, the massive new Apple TV+ series based on Isaac Asimov’s landmark sci-fi trilogy opens with these “galactic dreamscape” titles from creative director Ronnie Koff and the team at Imaginary Forces.
From Imaginary Forces: “Subtly referencing the cosmic environments depicted from the trilogy itself, we infused vivid 3D animated designscapes with bursts of radiant particles – building an ethereal title sequence that’s out of this world.”
Client: Apple TV+
Production: Imaginary Forces
CD: Ronnie Koff
ECD: Peter Frankfurt
Head of production: Melody Alexander
Producer: Ryan Burcham, Steve Garfinkel
3D animator: philipp pavlov, danil krivoruchko, brandon lester
2D animator: Nicole Dileo
Design: Nicole Dileo, Brandon Savoy, James Gardner, Ronnie Koff
Compositor: Martin Karlsson, Joe Taylor
Editor: Zach Kilroy
Asst. editor: Lexi Gunvaldson
Coordinator: Jackson Kerr
Music: Bear McCreary
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