Directed by Brazilian animation studio Consulado with fellow São Paulo studio Gorila handling 2D, this film for international charity Inspiring Girls reveals Einstein’s first wife Mileva Marić as an inspirational role model for young girls.
Marić was a Serbian physicist/mathematician and co-author of many of Einstein’s academic achievements including the theory of relativity.
Creative director Boca Ceravolo at Consulado: “The campaign #NobelforMileva was created in defense of gender equality and female recognition in science and technology asking the Nobel Foundation in Sweden to recognize the work and talent of Mileva Marić.
“One of the actions to launch the campaign is this video for digital platforms giving a brief history of Mileva Marić and an invitation for people of any gender identity to take selfies sticking their tongues out and then post them on social media.
“In addition to the digital mobilization, the campaign includes paintings, graffiti, murals and even tattoos of the face of Mileva, made by artists from different parts of the world – plus a bust statue with her tongue sticking out, which can be 3D printed for display.”
Client: Inspiring Girls International
Agency: Sunset DDB
Production: Consulado
Creative Director: Boca Ceravolo
Executive Director: Luciana Pessoa
3D Supervisor: Miguel Oliveira
Executive Producer: Mauricio de Andrade
Art Director: Isabela Littger
Producer: Anna Mendonça e Carol Fernandes
Storyboard: Gabriel Pieri
Color Script: Diego Oliveira
Character Desing: Jessica Brasil e Bea Mayumi
Environment Designer: Fernanda Montoni, Igor Pizzuto, Diego Oliveira, Leo Marconde
Prop Designer: Jessica Brasil, Bea Mayumi, Leo Marconde
Producer 2D Animation: Bárbara Betiolo
Motion Design: Marina Naomi Kubota e Digo Nascimento
Producer 3d and compositing: Anna Mendonça
Layout: Flávia Trevisan
Modeling: Rodrigo Augusto
Lighting e Render: Rodrigo Augusto
Compositing: Thailiny Cruz e Gustavo Gonçalves
2D Animation: Gorila Filmes
Production Director: Raul Vanussi
Production Assistant: Larissa Uehara
Animation Director: Hugo Takahashi, Raul Vanussi
2D Animation: Francis Viveiros, Natalia Faria, Deco Daviola, Evanildo Santos, Gabriel Chagas, Genoviz Pagani Filho, Gui Klein, Hugo Takahashi, Jefferson Lima Rocha, Marcio ‘MOA’ Perrella Junior
Clean-up and Coloring: Alessandra Vilas Boas, Brenda Maryan, Carolina Senra, Julia Balthazar, Natalia Faria, Priscila Coelho, Deco Daviola, Gui Klein, Jefferson Lima Rocha, Marcio ‘MOA’ Perrella Junior, Mauricio Pinheiro, Maurus Maciel Pedro Vilas Boas, Raul Vanussi, Rosinaldo Lages
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