Created as their diploma film at the Lucerne School of Art and Design, director/animators Aira Joana, Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth, and Pirmin Bieri merge 3D and 2D animation into a thoughtful meditation on place and purpose.
Beyond the layered allegorical elements of the film, the planar interplay between the brutalist architecture and minimalist design of the fox character is one of the most intriguing stylistic choices we’ve seen in a while.
From the directors: “Troubled by the changes he’s going through, a restless backpacker seeks his place in the world. As he experiences a mysterious encounter in a concrete building, he hopes to have finally found such a place.”
School: Lucerne School of Art and Design
Director: Aira Joana, Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth, Pirmin Bieri
2D Animation: Aira Joana, Fela Bellotto
3D Animation: Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth, Pirmin Bieri
Additional 3D Animation: Nadja Deborah Schöpfer, Samuel Flores, Haidi Marburger, Samantha Leung, Livia Werren, Wesllen Gschwind, Befrin Özgur
Additional Texturing: Kai Müri, Raphael Pfyffer
Sound design: Moritz Flachsmann
Music: Rahel Zimmermann
Foley: Dieter Hebben
Mix: Thomas Gassmann
Voice: Michael Fuchs
Support: Aargauer Kuratorium, Hans-Streiff Stifung, Stiftung Anne-Marie Schindler
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