A sweet and quirky animated short about friendship and confronting your anger issues sounds like the perfect way to kick-off what’s looking to be a very unsettling year on many fronts.
Created by Supinfocom students Elise Simoulin, Edouard Heutte, Marisa Di Vora Peixoto, Clotilde Bonnotte, Helena Bastioni, and Anna Komaromi, “Stuffed” is a CG film full of off-beat but relatable characters and welcome moments of whimsy.
The co-directors sum up their work like this: “An emotionally unstable cat is haunted by a monster living inside of him and triggered by his anger.
“When he runs away to the forest he makes a strange encounter with a giraffe that helps him grow up and learn how to control his anger. And also how to play the ukulele.”
Watch the making of:
School: Supinfocom Rubika
Director/animators: Elise Simoulin, Clotilde Bonnotte, Anna Komaromi, Edouard Heutte, Helena Bastioni, Marisa Di Vora Peixoto
Music: Romain Camiolo