The UK animation force of Myles and Greg McLeod are set to release the first in a new series of children’s books tracking the adventures of Knight Sir Louis, his trusty robot steed Sir Clunkalot, and Dave the magic sword.
The Bothers McLeod: “It’s a great joy for us to know that Knight Sir Louis is going to be able to ride out from our imaginations and into the world.
“We feel very lucky to have Bella Pearson and the team at Guppy Books championing the cause of this brave knight! We’ve created a world full of fun and silliness. Let’s face it, the world needs some of that right now.”
Bella Pearson at Guppy Books: “It isn’t often that a book makes me laugh out loud, but this one had me in stitches from the very first page. I’m so thrilled to be working with the talented Brothers McLeod and can’t wait for readers to encounter this fantastically bonkers book.”
Client: Guppy Books
Director/animator: The Brothers McLeod